We specialize in a wide variety of areas, including neurology, internal medicine, orthopedics and rheumatology. In addition, we are experts in treating patients recovering from injuries, accidents and operations.
Our specialist knowledge includes:
- Manual Therapy
- Analytic Biomechanics according to R. Sohier
- Cyriax Orthopedic Medicine
- Neuromobilization (NOI®)
- Cranio Facial Therapy according to Crafta®
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Postural, Proprioceptive Therapy according to Dr. Rašev
- Myofacial Release Technique according to Rašev
- Triggerpoint Therapy
- Taping
- Manual Lymph Drainage
- Bobath (basic and advanced)
- Normal Movement
- Motor Learning / Motor Control
- PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation)
- FBL (Kleinvogelbach Functional Kinetics
- Fall Prophylaxis
- Classical Massages
- Breathing Therapy
- Home Visits
With a prescription from your doctor, treatment costs will be covered by your medical insurance.
All therapies are also available for private patients. › Price inquiries.